Glass fiber to enhance the concrete in those aspects
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Glass fiber to enhance the concrete in those aspects

Publish Time: 2022-09-23     Origin: Site

The development of glass fiber reinforced concrete is an important way to improve the quality of high-performance concrete. GRC concrete is usually a cementitious composite material composed of net cement, mortar, or concrete as the base material, with non-continuous short fibers or continuous long fibers as reinforcing materials, the main role is to improve the performance of concrete by bridging the effect to limit the development of perimeter cracks.

Here is the content:

  • Enhancing the permeability of concrete

  • Improvement of impact resistance of concrete

  • The improvement of the toughness of concrete

Enhancing the permeability of concrete

GRC concrete is a non-homogeneous composite material, there is more micro porosity between the aggregates, with a large number of capillary effects, as well as concrete in the drying, hardening cracks, reducing the permeability of concrete. The addition of a small number of organic fibers in concrete, which can be well distributed and well bonded with concrete, reduces or prevents the formation, growth, and development of cracks in concrete, especially greatly reducing the generation of connected cracks and reducing water seepage channels. At the same time, the forming process of GRC concrete increases its internal binding force because of the fiber admixture, thus making the concrete members more compact after forming and effectively reducing the generation of micro seepage. Therefore, organic fibers incorporated into concrete have a great improvement in its impermeability.

Improvement of impact resistance of concrete

Impact resistance refers to the ability of an object to resist damage caused by impact when it is subjected to impact. When organic fibers are incorporated into GRC facades, the compressive strength and flexural strength of the concrete are increased to varying degrees, thereby increasing the maximum instantaneous impact resistance of the concrete. In addition, because of the fiber in the concrete, concrete toughness increases, which can better accumulate the energy brought by the impact, so that the energy is released slowly, to avoid the damage caused by the release of energy too quickly. In addition, when impacted by external forces, the fibers in the concrete have a certain load transfer effect. Therefore, GRC concrete has stronger resistance to external impact than plain concrete.

The improvement of the toughness of concrete

Concrete is a brittle material; it will suddenly crack when the force reaches a certain level. After mixed with organic fiber, due to the good extension of the fiber, the concrete into a three-dimensional mesh distribution, and the GRC panels matrix bond strength is high, when subjected to external forces, the concrete will be part of the stress transferred to the fiber, so that the fiber strain, weakening the stress on the concrete damage. When the external force increases to a certain extent, the GRC panels begin to crack, at this time the fiber across the surface of the crack, generating further strain and deformation to consume the external force to stop the development of the crack, until the external force is large enough, greater than the fiber tensile strength, the fiber is pulled out or fracture.

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