Precautions for Landscape sculpture design
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Precautions for Landscape sculpture design

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Landscape sculpture and other surrounding landscape elements together constitute the overall landscape design. When designing landscape forge sculptures, we should consider the theme, function, history and culture, customs, surrounding buildings, and other factors of the landscape. The influence of light, electricity, and other factors on Landscape sculpture, these all surrounding environmental factors constitute the 'points' of Landscape sculpture design. Therefore, the following issues must be considered when setting up Landscape sculpture in the landscape.

Landscape sculpture

Here is the content list:

l Landscape location

l Scale color, material, and expression

l Reflect the sense of the times

l Public interaction

Landscape location

The first is that Landscape sculpture decides the theme and form of expression according to the nature of the landscape place where it is located. Then there is the selection of the location. The location of the Landscape sculpture in the landscape should consider the following factors: the size of the Landscape sculpture, the viewing angle, and the direction of the light.

Scale, color, material, and expression

The matters needing attention in scale, material, and expression have been mentioned before, here is a brief description of the colors of Landscape sculpture. The color of the Landscape sculpture is not only related to the subject image but also has a close relationship with the landscape environment around the Landscape sculpture. The environment is the background of the Landscape sculpture, which plays a contrasting role in Landscape sculpture.

Reflect the sense of the times

Landscape sculpture should have a sense of the times, reflects the unique historical culture and aesthetic trends of a period and a region, and should reflect the spirit of the times. Moreover, to express regional characteristics culture, and historical customs, Landscape sculpture art is placed in public space, which not only has long-term landscape significance, but also cultural and educational significance. Therefore, Landscape sculpture art should shoulder the special mission of carrying forward the national spirit, inheriting history and culture, and publicizing regional characteristics.

Public interaction

Landscape sculptures designed in modern public spaces pay more attention to "people-oriented" and pay attention to interaction with the public. Landscape sculpture no longer uses various devices to keep the public away, but advocates the public's active participation. Create conditions for the public to participate so that people who play can get close to Landscape sculpture art, and make people, Landscape sculpture, and the environment as a whole. When considering this factor, we should pay attention to the protection of forged sculptures for people's safety and avoid the appearance of sharp corners.

Our mission is to provide the best service to our clients and focus on building long-term partnerships that we believe will lead us to a win-win situation. We are committed to putting customers first, and we will be loyal, sincere, and responsible when we are involved in the global Landscape sculpture business. If you are interested in Landscape sculpture, you can contact us, our website is, you are welcome, and look forward to working with you.

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