Maintenance and regular maintenance of Landscape sculpture
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Maintenance and regular maintenance of Landscape sculpture

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Any item has a very definite service life. Within the range of service life, it may play a better role. Whether it is appearance or usage, it can meet our requirements. Once the service life is exceeded, it may be It will bring us a bad experience. The same is true of Landscape sculpture. So what we need to do is to carry out regular maintenance and maintenance in the later stage. Only in this way can we effectively extend the service life of these landscape statues, so that they can play a better decorative role in our city, and can also provide We pass on more spirit and civilization. At this time, we must introduce to you what kind of problems should be paid attention to in the later maintenance process of these Landscape sculptures.

Landscape sculptures

Here is the content list:

l Maintenance of Landscape sculpture

l Clean Landscape sculptures regularly

Maintenance of Landscape sculpture

In fact, in the minds of many people, may feel that once Landscape sculpture is completed, there is no need for special maintenance in the later stage, especially now that Landscape sculpture has become the first choice for many cities because the material itself is resistant to corrosion. It is relatively strong, so many people are no longer willing to maintain it in the later period, but, no matter what material the Landscape sculpture is made of, it will have a service life, and maintenance is required in the later period, but the number of maintenance and the maintenance interval is different. When we are doing maintenance, once we need to touch the Landscape sculpture with our hands, we must wear gloves to prevent the various things on our hands from corroding the Landscape sculpture. And we must have foresight when choosing materials. For example, if this Landscape sculpture is placed outdoors, we’d better choose Landscape sculpture, and it’s better to choose materials above 304, especially if it is placed in the south in cities because the humidity in the south is relatively high, and the corrosiveness is relatively stronger.

Clean Landscape sculptures regularly

No matter what Landscape sculpture is, it should be cleaned regularly and given corresponding protection in a dry environment. In the process of cleaning, we had better choose to use a disposable sponge and water to scrub and dry the Landscape with a dry cloth to Prevent water marks on the surface of the sculpture. If there are scale marks on the surface, then we can use a small amount of powder and wipe it with a dry cloth repeatedly to restore the entire Landscape sculpture to its former smoothness and beauty. Landscape sculptures with dust or dirt cannot be cleaned with soap. We should choose neutral detergent or ammonia solution, or a special cleaning agent for cleaning.

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